The aim of the global literacy course is to enable students to have global knowledge, global awareness and the ability to understand global events and to increase their knowledge. The contents; The Formation Process of the Universe and the Earth, the Development Process of Man and Humanity, The Physiological Change of Man, Nomadic Life - Sedentary Life, Cultural Basins, Lost Civilizations, Critical Turning Points of Today's World, Geographical Discoveries... are specially designed for each grade level under the headings such as;
The course includes learning about the world through mathematics and science, art and culture, geography and economics.
Ders; matematik ve bilim, sanat ve kültür, coğrafya ve ekonomi yoluyla dünya hakkında bilgi edinmeyi içerir.
Applied classes: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th-Grades
SUJE, An extraordinary school in nature.
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